Sedalia School District Foundation Scholarships are open to students graduating from Smith-Cotton High School or Whittier High School. The Sedalia School District Foundation Scholarship application will be available from the Smith-Cotton High School counselors’ office. The Whittier High School Scholarship application is released in April.
Scholarships are a one-time award unless otherwise specified.
Joe Arbisi Memorial Scholarship was established in memory of coach and educator Joe Arbisi who led the Bandits swim team for 24 years. Candidates must have been on the Smith-Cotton High School swim team for a minimum of one year. Preference will be given to candidates that plan to be on the swim team in college.
Bill G. Arnold Athletic Scholarship honors a 1950 graduate of Smith-Cotton High School. Bill was a pitcher for the Smith-Cotton High School baseball team and the quarterback for the football team all four years of high school. Scholarship applicants must have participated in high school sports, have a minimum of a “C” average, and provide a letter of recommendation from their coach.
Allen Bess Instrumental Music Scholarship was established through gifts from the estate of Smith-Cotton Class of 1947 graduate Allen Bess. This scholarship is open to a student pursuing a degree in instrumental music. Applicants must graduate in the top 50% of their class, be actively involved in instrumental music groups in the community, have been actively involved in orchestra, marching band, concert band, pep band, or jazz band at Smith-Cotton High School. Students with financial need will be given priority.
James Michael Boston Technical Scholarship was established in memory of a Smith-Cotton High School graduate from the class of 2000. As a way to honor James’ memory and to keep his name alive at Smith-Cotton High School, his family wanted to make this scholarship available to current graduating seniors interested in pursuing a technical degree. This is a $500 non-renewable scholarship. The money can be applied to tuition, books, or tools. The senior must demonstrate the following in order to be considered: minimum 2.0 GPA, hard worker, plan to attend a trade school or an apprenticeship following high school.
Charlene “Charlee” L. Brown Scholarship is a general scholarship for students studying any major while attending a community college, four-year college, or university. Students must show financial need. Charlee was a graduate of Smith-Cotton. As a student at Smith-Cotton she was a member of Spiz, student council, National Honor Society and served as an usher and library assistant. She became a high school English, journalism, and business teacher in Hudson, Wisconsin.
Morris K. Byrum Memorial Scholarship was established in memory of Smith-Cotton High School principal Morris K. Byrum. The scholarship is open to students pursuing any degree and with any GPA. This scholarship is available to help students with financial assistance in receiving a post-secondary education either at a college or trade school.
Gerald O. and Helen E. Cecil Memorial Scholarship was established in memory of Gerald O. Cecil and Helen E. (Rowlette) Cecil. Students with financial need will be given priority; applicants must be attending any accredited public institution of higher learning including technical schools, trade schools, junior colleges, colleges or universities, with preference for those attending local and in-state institutions; applicants should demonstrate respect and appreciation for fellow classmates, teachers and administration; applicants should demonstrate respect and consideration for living in Sedalia; and applicants should demonstrate positive can-do attitude.
Cedar Hill Scholarship was established by alumni from Smith-Cotton High School class of 1971. It is open to college bound Smith-Cotton seniors graduating in the top 50% of their class who have demonstrated their respect and appreciation of Sedalia through participation in a civic organization or other community service. Candidates must also have participated in diverse high school activities or groups and demonstrated respect for all members of their class and teachers.
Coffelt Family Scholarship has been established in honor of long-time Sedalia School District #200 music teacher Helen Coffelt and in memory of her son 1981 SC graduate Stephen Coffelt. The scholarship is renewable for up to three academic years. Applicants must be pursuing a degree in music, business, or attending a technical school. Applicants must have a GPA of 2.75 or above.
Cordry Family Scholarship has been established to honor Charlotte Cordry and her life-long professional dedication to ensuring that students with disabilities reach their full potential. This scholarship will be available to students who received special education services and can be used to support them in any post-secondary program, including college, trade or technical school or other vocational program that leads to gainful employment.
The Covered Bridge Heritage Vocational Fund was established in honor of the citizens of Sedalia and Pettis County who built and served this community with their hands and hearts. One award will be presented to a student enrolling in a Health Sciences program at State Fair Community College and one award to a student enrolling in an Industrial and Manufacturing Technology program at SFCC.
Coach Ross Dey Baseball Scholarship was established in memory of educator and Coach Ross Dey. It is awarded to Smith-Cotton High School baseball players who have earned a minimum of two (2) varsity letters in baseball and intend to play collegiate ball. This scholarship is renewable on a semester-by-semester basis, excluding summer, with a 2.5 grade point average and the continuation of collegiate baseball play.
Ron Ditzfeld Legacy Scholarship is awarded annually to a graduating senior who is active in Smith-Cotton’s successful and nationally recognized JROTC. The scholarship is a $1,000 award and will be given annually to a top cadet. The recipient of this scholarship must demonstrate excellence through his or her hard work, academic record, diligence, and demonstrated potential.
Jane McCurdy Dugan Memorial Scholarship is open to all applicants showing financial need and academic potential. Consideration will be given to those with special circumstances.
Frances Elizabeth Rapp Ely Scholarship is open to all applicants showing financial need pursuing any degree who were actively involved at Smith-Cotton High School and in the community.
Perry Conrad Fairfax Athletic-Academic Scholarship is restricted to a student attending the University of Missouri College of Engineering. Candidates must be a SCHS football player who attended SCHS all four (4) years with a minimum of one varsity letter in football. The recipient will be selected from the highest cumulative GPA from all applicants.
Earl R. Finley Scholarship remembers a man who was a teacher, coach, and principal at Smith-Cotton High School and an administrator in the Sedalia and Knob Noster School Districts. Applicants must have a minimum 3.0 GPA, be attending a university or four-year college to study for any degree and show financial need.
Franklin Family Scholarship was established to honor the dedicated teachers that taught the Franklin family at Smith-Cotton High School. The scholarship is awarded based on moral character, public service, financial need, leadership, and academic excellence.
Thom Fuller Memorial Scholarship recognizes a 1982 Smith-Cotton graduate who expressed his talent as an artist, musician, actor, director, and scenic and lighting designer. The recipient must be a Sedalia School District senior who has been actively involved in the Smith-Cotton High School theater department either on or behind the stage. The scholarship is open to students pursuing any degree and with any GPA. First priority will be given to those with financial need.
C.O. and Gladys Green Scholarship is available to Smith-Cotton High School seniors pursuing training at a trade or technical school after graduation from high school. C.O. Green was a graduate of Smith-Cotton High School. C.O. taught Industrial Arts at the Sedalia Middle School, and Gladys taught at Washington, Whittier, and Mark Twain Elementary schools before moving to the middle school to teach sixth grade math. C.O. and Gladys felt strongly that education was the basis for success, and that pursuing an education in trade and technical areas was equally important.
Jordan Ali Halane Scholarship is open to Sedalia School District graduates pursuing a music degree of any kind. Jordan began music lessons at a young age, soon displaying a passion and talent for singing and playing piano. Applicants must have a GPA of 2.75 and creatively illustrate their desire to pursue music at the collegiate level. They may submit an essay, a video recording of a performance, or a composition, etc.
H.W. Harris Scholarship applicants must be attending the University of Missouri at Columbia. Applicants must submit an essay describing why they are applying for the H.W. Harris Scholarship and why they desire to attend the University of Missouri-Columbia (MU). They must exhibit financial need and include in essay any special financial need circumstances. Applicants should have a strong scholastic record and ACT/SAT scores. Students should have been involved in extracurricular activities which require commitment and challenge, and students should be specific in essay in describing how they took a leadership position. Students must exhibit some consistent work-related activities which help support the student. Students must be of high moral character and the school must be able to vouch for this.
Myron T. Herrick Memorial Scholarship was established by the children of Myron T. Herrick and is open to a graduating senior with a minimum GPA of 3.0 who will be attending the University of Central Missouri in Warrensburg.
Jim & Judy Holman Scholarship was established in memory of two ardent supporters of Smith-Cotton High School sports and activities. They loved following their kids and eleven grandchildren’s sports and activities. Judy was especially involved with show choir, dance teams, and soccer teams. The scholarship is open to students pursuing any degree.
Betty Hopkins Legacy Scholarship will be a $500 one-time award open to students pursuing any degree at an accredited two- or four-year college, university, or trade school. Applicants should have participated in extracurricular activities at Smith-Cotton or worked an after-school job. Applicants must show financial need. Betty lived a unique life of adventure and service. Betty’s teaching career spanned 34 years and included teaching at Smith-Cotton and State Fair Community College, 12 years as a teacher in Germany working for the Department of Defense, and time spent in Africa, Thailand, and China as an AFS Exchange teacher. She also received a grant from The National Science Foundation to teach in Australia.
Donna & Larry Howard Memorial Scholarship honors two lives committed to family, friends, and supporting the Sedalia School District. The scholarship is awarded to one (1) male and one (1) female athlete in any sport. Applicants must show academic and leadership aptitude. A recommendation letter from the high school coach must accompany the applicant’s submission.
C.H. & Pauline Joy Scholarship is restricted to students pursuing an agriculturally related degree such as farming, pre-veterinary science, agri-business, or Agri-science.
Charles A. Ledgerwood Scholarship was established in memory of life sciences teacher Charles Ledgerwood who taught at Smith-Cotton for 35 years. It is open to applicants pursuing a life science related degree such as conservation, biology, medical, etc. A minimum of a 3.0 GPA is required, and applicants will be considered on campus and community involvement. Application includes an essay of 250 words or less to articulate goals, experiences, or motivating factors that lead to their career choice and discuss what impact they hope to achieve by pursuing their chosen career.
Sharon Maggard Mateja Memorial Scholarship honors a creative woman who loved to sketch, paint, and decorate. This scholarship was established by her bridge club friends and is restricted to students pursuing a degree in an art related field or who have studied and shown proficiency in the visual arts in high school.
Major Saver is a community-oriented corporation dedicated to providing a premier fundraising program that benefits schools, students, and community partners. From the proceeds of card sales in the Sedalia School District, Major Saver awards two scholarships to Smith-Cotton High School seniors. Applicants must be students pursuing a degree in education and attending a Missouri college or university. Students must have a minimum GPA of 3.5.
Eva Mothersbaugh Memorial Scholarship is awarded to an applicant that shows financial need. Pursuit of a degree in communication arts is preferred but not required.
The Rob Parkhurst Memorial Scholarship was started by the children of Rob Parkhurst because their father valued education and hard work. This scholarship is open to students pursuing any degree. Applicants must have a minimum of 3.5 GPA and demonstrate respect and appreciation of Sedalia through civic or community service. Applicants must also be involved in SCHS activities or groups. Applicants must write an additional essay on the biggest influence on their life, the financial impact of receiving a scholarship, and their most meaningful achievements.
The Steve Schilb “It’s Never too Late to do the Right Thing” Scholarship honors Mr. Schilb who taught history and constitutional law at Smith-Cotton High School for 17 years. Remembered for his life motto, “It’s never too late to do the right thing,” Mr. Schilb believed in, inspired, and shaped young people to become their best. Applicants pursuing a degree in education and/or with financial need will be given preference. Applicants must have a GPA of 3.0 or higher.
The Skip Schulz Say You Will Scholarship was established in memory of coach and educator Ralph “Skip” Schulz. Skip Schulz’s philosophy was “Say You Will and prove it.” The Skip Schulz Say You Will Scholarship criteria is an essay where applicants write four paragraphs explaining how they will use these words of encouragement and this scholarship to succeed in college.
The Sedalia School District Foundation Scholarship is awarded by the SSDF Scholarship Committee and is open to all applicants. Applicants must show financial need and participate in the community. A complete teacher recommendation form is required. In addition, students must answer the following in essay form: Give us three lessons or suggestions that you have learned from your high school experience that you would share with incoming high school students.
The Mark Shelby Memorial Scholarship was founded by Mr. Shelby’s wife and children. He was a graduate of Smith-Cotton High School and taught Latin, English, and Mythology there for 27 years. He bled Black & Gold for SC and Mizzou where he received his undergraduate and graduate degrees in Classical Languages. The Mark Shelby Memorial Scholarship is open to a deserving student attending the University of Missouri-Columbia with a minimum of a 3.5 GPA.
Gary and Larry Siron Scholarship is to be awarded as a one-time award to any Smith-Cotton student who graduates with a cumulative minimum 3.0 GPA. The student should have participated in extracurricular activities either at Smith-Cotton High School or in the form of meaningful employment. The student should be accepted by an accredited two or four-year college, university, or trade school in the pursuit of a degree in any field.
Smith-Cotton Alumni Scholarship applicants must be the child or grandchild of a Smith-Cotton graduate and must include alumni’s name and graduation year on application form.
Conrad Stephens Scholarship is to be awarded as a one-time award to any Smith-Cotton student who graduates with a cumulative minimum 3.0 GPA. The student should have participated in extracurricular activities either associated with Smith-Cotton High School or in the form of meaningful employment. The student should be accepted by any accredited two or four-year college, university, or trade school. Applicants pursuing a degree in an agriculturally related field will be given preference.
Thomas-Evans Scholarship was established due to the longtime love of music that has enriched the families of Beryl Thomas and Bill Evans. The Scholarship is open to students pursuing a music degree.
Seth Wagenknecht Memorial Scholarship remembers Seth who was a 1973 graduate of Smith-Cotton. This scholarship is open to college bound seniors attending any accredited university and graduating in the top 50% of their senior class. Applicants must demonstrate respect and appreciation of Sedalia through civic or community service. Applicants must also participate in diverse high school activities or groups and demonstrate respect for all members of their class and teachers.
Joan Walker Memorial Scholarship was established in memory of a respected educator at Smith-Cotton High School. The scholarship is restricted to students pursuing a secondary education degree with emphasis in English and intent on becoming a high school English teacher.
Norma M. Wells Memorial Scholarship. This scholarship was established to honor Mrs. Wells who was a single parent with three children and limited financial resources, but she had a steadfast determination to give her children an opportunity to achieve success. This scholarship is an annual award of $500. The scholarship is open to any degree, with any GPA, but the applicant must show financial need.
Whittier High School Patty Abney Scholarship. The scholarship’s name honors the extraordinary efforts of volunteer Patty Abney in meeting the physical needs of students at Whittier Alternative High School. The application for this scholarship is available at Whittier High School and the awards are announced at the school’s graduation ceremony. Recipients can use the scholarship according to their own needs as they take the next step in life.
Whittier High School Jacob Howe Memorial Scholarship.
Jacob Howe was an active teenager that enjoyed many activities. He made many close friends while at Whittier High School. The application for this scholarship is available at Whittier High School and the awards are announced at the school’s graduation ceremony. Recipients can use the scholarship according to their own needs as they take the next step in life.