Donald and Edith Donath spent their lives doing almost everything as a couple. It would be difficult to acknowledge one spouse’s accomplishments without recognizing the involvement of the other.
Edith Morgan graduated from Smith-Cotton High School in 1940. She attended Central Missouri State Teacher’s College for two years and began teaching in rural schools in Pettis County. She resumed taking college courses at night, during the summer, and by correspondence to receive her Bachelor of Science in Education with a Music Major. She later went on to receive a Master of Science in Education with a Music Major and a Specialist Degree in Elementary Administration.
She taught music in the Sedalia School District from 1953 to 1986 at Whittier and Washingtion Elementary schools as well as sixth grade music at Sedalia Middle School. Mrs. Donath has played violin with the Sedalia Symphony for over 75 years.
Edith and Donald W. Donath were married in 1947. During that year she was teaching at the Bothwell Rural School. John Bothwell had left instructions that the teacher of the school should be a “married person” and provided a small home, the “Teacherage,” adjacent to the school for the teacher and spouse to live in. Mrs. Donath describes it as their “honeymoon house.”
Mr. Donath withdrew from Smith-Cotton High School on December 12, 1941 to enlist in the military. With the assistance of Janet (Moriss) Sloan the appropriate paperwork was completed for Mr. Donath to receive his honorary high school diploma for Missouri veterans. On June 25, 2013 he received his diploma from the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education and the Missouri Veterans Commission.