Sedalia School District Foundation

Opportunities. Connections. Community.

A group of young girls are sitting on a slide together.
A group of people are walking down a street holding signs that say class of 1981.
A group of people are sitting under a tent with the number 55 on it
A marching band is playing instruments in a field.

In October of 1995 the Sedalia School District Foundation was born. Sedalia educators, school board members, and business leaders came together to find ways the community could play a greater role in helping the Sedalia School District #200. Those who launched the Foundation wanted the nonprofit organization to extend educational tools to staff and offer scholarships to students.

The Foundation currently manages over 44 scholarship funds that award over $74,000 annually to Sedalia #200 seniors in pursuit of post-secondary education. With endowed funds topping over one million dollars, hundreds of students have benefitted from these donor-driven awards.

Our Story

also provides a wide variety of services for Sedalia School District #200 students, educators, and alumni including:

  • The Mini Grant program awards funds to classroom teachers to enhance curriculum and to provide for needs not customarily met by district budgeting procedure.
  • The Brendan Eisenmenger Student Impact Fund is used to directly impact and enrich the individual and collective lives of Sedalia School District 200 students by identifying and funding specific needs. These needs can range from educational, basic food and safety needs to gifts at Christmas time.
  • The Foundation Board of Directors enthusiastically supports hardworking teachers and staff members.
  • The CONNECTIONS newsletter is sent to district educators, alumni and supporters of our local school system

The Sedalia School District Foundation

The Sedalia School District Foundation is a not-for-profit incorporated for charitable and educational purposes with 501(c)(3) status. Contributions to the Foundation and the scholarships managed by the Foundation are tax-deductible.

Students continue to be the center of our mission.

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